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CHEPLAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH

Jens Rothstein hands over his CFO role to Kia Parssanedjad

CHEPLARPHARM AG (“CHEPLARPHARM” or “the Company”), a specialty pharmaceutical company which is a global leader in investing in long established and trusted pharma brands and enhancing them with life-cycle-management, today announced a change in senior leadership.

Jens Rothstein, who is stepping down from his role as CFO, has played a significant role since 2013 in building the Company to date. Sebastian Braun, CEO and founder, mentioned: “Jens Rothstein has been a very important member of our leadership team for the last 9 years. With his strong contributions such as building our finance department as well as debt activities from scratch he has enabled us to follow our strong growth path up until now. With his leadership and character, he has defined an important element of who we are today.” Dr. Kia Parssanedjad is to become the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Cheplapharm AG.

Dr. Kia Parssanedjad is currently the Chief Corporate Investment Officer (CIO) of Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH. Dr. Parssanedjad is an entrepreneurial healthcare leader, who has more than 15 years of hands-on experience in building, managing as well as investing into innovative, high-growth healthcare businesses. He joined the team from McKinsey&Company, where he has been a co-leader of McKinsey’s global Leap practice in healthcare. Previously, he held various leadership roles among others at Merck Group and has been a Private Equity Investor at TVM Capital. Dr. Parssanedjad is a trained physician and obtained his medical degree in the field of cancer research /gene therapy.

Edeltraud Lafer, Co-CEO, added: “With Kia Parssanedjad we will enhance our strong finance department with a healthcare leader who combines a strong entrepreneurial mindset with a long track record as a healthcare investor. During his tenure as Chief Corporate Investment Officer (CIO) he has proven to us as an invaluable leader and partner who is able to understand and help us evolve our finance strategy and positioning. We are delighted to have him take on this very important role as CFO in our leadership team.”

This senior leadership change builds upon CHEPLARPHARM´s successful performance of the last months with an estimated turnover for 2021 of more than 1 billion euros and a recently successfully concluded credit line of 1,480 million euros in a tense capital market environment. The management team will continue to work on CHEPLARPHARM’s future growth path and is keeping its eyes focused on the future possibility of a stock exchange listing.

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