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CHEPLAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH

CHEPLAPHARM continues on the road to success

Greifswald  – CHEPLAPHARM consistently implements its growth strategy in 2020 and increases turnover by over 30% to € 680 million.

With the publication of the 2020 annual financial statements, CHEPLAPHARM looks back on a successful 2020 financial year. In line with its growth strategy, CHEPLAPHARM further expanded its product portfolio last year with around 40 established branded medicines. Turnover in 2020 increased by more than 30% compared to the previous year to € 680 million (2019: € 514 million). At the same time, CHEPLAPHARM expanded its financing options by issuing several bonds with a total volume of around € 1.5 billion, gaining the trust of numerous international investors. In line with the dynamic development of the company, CHEPLAPHARM also increased its own capacities by moving into an additional building in Greifswald and by hiring 80 new employees. By expanding the number of employees, the scientific areas were in particular strengthened and thus CHEPLAPHARM’s structures were adapted to the growth steps of the past year.

CHEPLAPHARM's growth strategy is based on a precise and focused investment strategy in established branded pharmaceuticals and the responsible integration of the acquisitions into the existing product portfolio. CHEPLAPHARM continued on its growth strategy in 2020 by investing in a portfolio of ten branded products from Sanofi, which are focused on the treatment of cardiac diseases and are sold in more than 20 countries. In the same year, CHEPLAPHARM invested in another Sanofi cardiology portfolio, consisting of six branded medicines. For the first time, CHEPLAPHARM also invested in portfolios of the pharmaceutical companies Takeda and LEO Pharma. These portfolios comprise more than 16 products including the therapeutic areas of nephrology, dermatology and gastrology. Finally, CHEPLAPHARM agreed to acquire the international rights to the product Atacand®, which is already in the portfolio and is used to treat high blood pressure. The total volume of the investments made in 2020 amounted to more than € 1.3 billion and impressively demonstrates Cheplapharm's market position as a global player and preferred partner of large pharmaceutical companies.

To finance its growth, CHEPLAPHARM placed its first high-yield bond in an amount of € 500 million with institutional investors in January 2020, building on investor excitement in the sustainability and rapid growth of its business. In October 2020, the globally active pharmaceutical company continued on this path and placed two further high-yield bonds with an equivalent value of approximately one billion euros with US and international investors.

With revenue growth of 32% from € 514 million in 2019 to € 680 million in 2020 and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of € 324 million in 2020, CHEPLAPHARM achieved an EBITDA margin of 48%. This underlines the  growth ambition, which CHEPLAPHARM aims to maintain in the future. Based on a well-filled pipeline, 2021 started with the acquisition of the well-known epilepsy drug Rivotril® from Roche in January. Against the background of the dynamic corporate development planned for the future, CHEPLAPHARM is continuously examining various opportunities to expand its financing options, which could also include a stock exchange listing.

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