Our Responsibility

We believe the pharmaceutical industry and society should have a sustainable paradigm that takes into account the full value creation cycle and the needs of all stakeholders. This is the basis of our company strategy.


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CHEPLAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH

Trust is the Basis

Who We Are and What Motivates Us

CHEPLAPHARM is a specialty pharma company with a dynamic, high-growth platform approach: we invest in long-standing and trusted pharma brands, distribute them globally and thus ensure smooth transitions. Our entire value chain, our structure, our processes and our organization are precisely aligned to this. Detailed information on our corporate compliance can be found below:

Further areas of our responsibility

Responsible and sustainable action with maximum transparency

Compliance at CHEPLAPHARM

Integrity and social responsibility are important pillars of our economic success. Compliance with laws and regulations is a matter of course for us. Violations of legal regulations, but also of generally applicable standards and norms or our Code of Conduct can have negative consequences both for the individual employee and for CHEPLAPHARM as a company and cause lasting damage to our reputation. Therefore, violations are consistently pursued and punished accordingly. We are convinced that we can only be sustainably successful with the trust of our stakeholders - strengthening this trust and securing it in the long term is one of our core tasks.
– The Management Board

Our Compliance Management System (CMS)

Compliance means lawfulness and stands for adherence to laws, guidelines and voluntary codes. CHEPLAPHARM's General Compliance Officer heads the Compliance department and continuously develops the Compliance Management System (CMS). Responsibility for the CMS lies at the highest management level. The General Compliance Officer reports regularly to the Executive Board as well as to the Supervisory Board on compliance incidents and the measures taken in this regard, the status of compliance activities and the further development of the CMS.

The tasks of the Compliance Management System (CMS) of CHEPLAPHARM:

  • Compliance with all internal and external rules and regulations
  • Protecting CHEPLAPHARM and its employees from penalties and reputational damage
  • Ensuring good and sustainable corporate governance
  • Strengthening and securing the trust of our internal and external stakeholders (e.g. patients, business partners, investors, employees, etc.).

Our goal is to prevent compliance violations. If compliance violations occur despite the preventive measures we have taken, we aim to identify them as early as possible and respond to them consistently and efficiently (Prevent-Detect-Respond model).

Identify risks and respond consistently

CHEPLAPHARM's compliance management system focuses on the following core risk areas:

Money laundering
Data protection law
IT Security
Fraud and infidelity
Compliance culture
Foreign trade law

Integral employees - the guarantor of our company's success

Integrity is an important pillar of our business success. For CHEPLAPHARM, integrity means first and foremost acting honestly and responsibly. However, it also means living our values and thus achieving the highest possible degree of compliance with our actual corporate actions.
The Compliance Management System (CMS) provides the framework for compliant behavior for all CHEPLAPHARM employees. Our employees receive regular training on compliance topics and also have access to the relevant compliance guidelines at all times. These guidelines apply throughout the Group and are binding for employees to follow.
In addition, we regularly implement various awareness-raising measures. Continuous communication based on the "Tone at the Top" principle is another central component of the CMS.

Code of conduct and guidelines

Our Code of Conduct summarizes the core values of CHEPLAPHARM. CHEPLAPHARM expects its employees and business partners to act in accordance with these values. Our primary goal is to avoid harm to CHEPLAPHARM and its employees, but also to our patients, business partners, investors and third parties.

CHEPLAPHARM is committed to providing patients with established branded products of high quality. We are highly committed to patient safety. In particular, we ensure that our products meet applicable safety, quality, efficacy and performance requirements.

Furthermore, we promote diversity, equal opportunity and tolerance. We facilitate a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and visitors at CHEPLAPHARM in accordance with applicable laws and international standards.

We strive to identify conflicts of interest at an early stage and take measures to eliminate them so that decisions can be made impartially in the best interests of CHEPLAPHARM.

Our most important compliance rules at a glance

Corruption and bribery expand_more

CHEPLAPHARM complies with the legal requirements to fight corruption. Against this background, we have adopted a Group-wide guideline. This ensures that gifts, hospitality and invitations to events remain within an appropriate and permissible framework and are not used to influence employees, business partners or authorities. We also aim to identify conflicts of interest at an early stage and take appropriate measures to eliminate them. Decisions must not be influenced by personal interests, but must be made exclusively in the interests of the company.

Expectations for our suppliers expand_more

CHEPLAPHARM expects its suppliers and their employees to always act responsibly and to comply with applicable laws and ethical principles. Therefore, we require our suppliers to comply with a separate code of conduct in which CHEPLAPHARM sets minimum ethical standards.

Compliance with antitrust regulations expand_more

CHEPLAPHARM acts as a responsible competitor. We do not engage in unlawful agreements with competitors or other market participants, do not restrict the freedom of business partners or competitors, and do not take any other advantage of a dominant market position. 

Our employees comply with applicable competition, trade and antitrust laws and are required to refrain from any unlawful conduct that could influence competition.

Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing expand_more

CHEPLAPHARM takes a whole range of different measures to prevent money laundering or terrorist financing. We are aware that companies can also become involuntary victims or accomplices of money laundering. In order to reduce this risk to an acceptable level, we have adopted a Group-wide policy. This defines minimum requirements for dealing with contractual partners and requires, for example, an extensive investigation into the background of the transaction and the potential partner before it is concluded.

Protection of intellectual property rights expand_more

CHEPLAPHARM is a leading international platform for established branded products. Therefore, the maintenance, protection and safeguarding of our intellectual property, especially our trademark rights, are of elementary importance. In return, not least fair competition dictates that CHEPLAPHARM also respects the intellectual property of other companies and does not violate it at any time.

Handling personal data expand_more

Privacy is a valuable asset worthy of protection. CHEPLAPHARM has therefore implemented extensive measures to protect the data of its internal and external stakeholders (e.g. patients, employees, business partners, investors, etc.) and complies with the legal requirements for handling personal data. This includes rules on the use and disclosure of personal data, information to third parties and data subjects, and technical and organizational measures. In order to ensure compliance with applicable data protection regulations and to maintain a high and uniform level of protection for personal data worldwide, CHEPLAPHARM has issued a data protection policy. This policy regulates the handling of personal data and defines the data protection organization within our company.

Our compliance organization

Anna Rautenberg is CHEPLAPHARM's General Compliance Officer. She is the contact person for employees, but also for our patients, business partners and the general public for any questions regarding compliance.

Ms. Rautenberg manages CHEPLAPHARM's compliance organization and continuously develops it. She defines the general approach and coordinates all compliance activities of the company. She defines, supports and controls the implementation of compliance measures, follows up on indications of any kind regarding compliance violations and advises the management on all questions regarding compliance.

Anna Rautenberg

General Compliance Officer

Whistleblowing system

Compliance with laws and regulations and ensuring conduct with integrity are essential for CHEPLAPHARM. To ensure this, it requires the attention and willingness of all stakeholders to point out suspected violations of rules. The overriding goal is to protect CHEPLAPHARM and its employees, as well as all external stakeholders such as patients, business partners and investors, from harm.

To this end, we provide a variety of options for reporting violations of legal regulations, but also of generally applicable standards and norms or our Code of Conduct. Even the mere suspicion of a violation should be reported. In the course of this, it is important to emphasize that reporting a suspected case or violation is not associated with any disadvantages for the person reporting it - provided the report is not made maliciously or for unfair motives. It does not matter whether the suspicion is subsequently confirmed - CHEPLAPHARM attaches great importance to clarifying unclear facts and getting to the bottom of even the slightest suspicion of illegal or unethical behavior. Examples of this include bribery, fraud or violations of the Money Laundering Act (GwG).

Reporting channels

We provide both our employees and external parties with various channels for reporting possible compliance violations: Whistleblowers can either contact our General Compliance Officer, Ms. Anna Rautenberg, directly or use our digital whistleblowing system.

The report can be made either by name or anonymously. If the whistleblower wishes, his or her anonymity will be guaranteed (as far as legally possible).

Person of trust
  • Anna Rautenberg, General Compliance Officer
  • E-Mail: lc-compliance@cheplapharm.com  
  • Telefon: +49 3834 3914 140
Digital whistleblowing system

Information can also be submitted at any time via the digital whistleblower system at cheplapharm.integrityline.com.


What would you like to know about CHEPLAPHARM?

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